MYP 6+7 PA

Production unit

Students have started their production unit. This unit is all about creating a performance. We will have a special focus on character, voice and expression. Our criteria are linked to :

  • Students show that they understand the genre by using voice and body in a big way.

Movement, expressions and gestures are clear and big.

  • Students uses their skills by communicating through a clear voice and expression. Gestures and expressions are big and strong. 

  • Students are able to use the toolbox that we have made for them. They can pick a quality of movement, techniques for creating a character to create situations, working towards a performance 

It is important that we keep a playful but focused approach to our learning and 

especially to be responsible risk takers.

We are working towards a performance of 
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".
Wednesday 18th of November 2015
All students will this week receive their part and text to study for the performance. They are expected to read and rehearse at home. 
I expect them to be off book next friday (at least to the point that they feel confident enough to improvise.

I hope that you will be able to assist us in finding some suitable costumes. I will discuss with each student what we have in mind. All Ompa Lompas will get a costume but I ask them to be dressed in ALL black underneath. Longsleeve and long legs.
I will be able to get some costumes for characters but hope that you can assist your child.

Identities and Relationships
Key concepts: Perspective, structure, role, narrative
Clearly defined roles and personal narratives will offer different perspectives on identities and relationships
Please scroll down for updates-we are still working on our Family Drama units.

In this first unit we will explore our creativity and performance skills through looking at family drama. What is it? What type of performance is it? Which skills do we need?
We will use physical work to create a character. Students will work in groups with their characters to create a family drama. Through creating a personal narrative in the situation they set, students will create and perform an inner monologue to the audience.
 Please check homework page every week! Students will record work, process and homework in their process journals (to be handed in every friday).

Friday 30th of October 2015
Students have had their presentations and they did a good job. It is easy to see when a student has worked and prepared for presentations or if they are taking it as it comes Looking forward to our next unit: Production unit-yuhhhuuuuu:-))

Monday 19th of October 2015

Students are working hard in their groups to create their scenes of family drama, based on the characters that they have created. 
On friday they will perform their plays and they will get time to improvise alternative choices by their characters. 

Please make sure that your inner monologues are written and that all students are ready to perform their plays and monologues next week.

Wednesday 14th of October 2015
Students are exploring their characters and having their very first criteria check, using rubric to grade themselves and then by me. 
We need to keep working on looking at spesifics, what ARE the criteria and what did I do? We will create our set play in our groups this week.

Well done :-)

Monday 5th of October 2015
Students will this week be given the friday lesson to explore and investigate their characters independantly, based on exercises that we have used previously. Students will be assesed on this through their documentation in their books and/or presentations. 
We have made a rubric together and all students know what is to be expected of them. 

The criteria is that of thinking creatively:
demonstrate the exploration of ideas.

"C i i i Students will demonstrate the exploration of ideas through their work towards finding the character. Documenting their process in their journals/presentations".

Thursday 17th of September 2015

We have started to develop families and situations based on our looking in to what a family drama is. We will now focus on creating a character and students must write an autobiography to be handed in next friday (on the homework blog) on their character. 
We are working towards a presentation of a family drama in groups, where each characters` perspective is shown through a played out inner monologue. We have done a lot of status work in regards to preparing for our characters and family structure.

Wednesday 20th of May 2015

We are in the process of finishing our script. The students have worked together in teams to create the beginning, problem and solution. We created a set pot of characters that had to be in it and voila-the three independent sections were turned into a play. 
we are now working on the characters and situations and also implementing some movement by focusing on tempo. 

H O M E W O R K : Write a one page biography on the character of your choice. Prepare yourself for hot seating and mini audition

Thursday 16th of April 2015

Congratulations to grade 6 and Mr Andrew for their fantastic Exhibition!!!
This wednesday was all about getting students playful and relaxed before their big day. We played improvisation games and tried a relaxing spinal roll. We played with characters and situations and had some good old fun.

Thursday 9th of April 2015


We decided to use some of our listening and reaction skills and also put to use our improvisation training and have some fun with our exhibition presentations. 
Students were each others mirrors and could keep going until they felt happy with what the mirror reflected. 
A couple of pairs went up on stage and we did a "Forum" inspired form of improvisation where students could stop the presenters and go in and mirror and change what they would like to.
 Well done grade 6 for being brave, playful and supportive of each other!

Wednesday 25th of March 2015

Today the students were challenged to be risk takers and to practise having a  playful approach to their learning. Students had prepared a presentation of their exhibition by using a chosen format (Musical, Adventure, News reporter, Opera, Action movie).

I praised the students for being supportive of each other and for pushing their comfort zone and reminded them of the importance of being caring towards ourselves when we push our learning, open to making possible mistakes. Well done 6th grade! :-) Playing and making mistakes, based on best effor and then learning from them, is an important part of PA.

25th of February 2015
Voice-clarity-confidence-physical expression

We have moved into the unit of the Exhibition.
We will work on our presentational skills, focusing on how we come across when we wish to communicate something. We will use our exhibition topics related to this important part of PA and education. We could see how important it is to control our voice and physicality today and we will keep focusing on improving the challenges of presenting. 

4th of February 2015
Students have been placed in groups and are to collaborate on creating an artistic expression, based on an image and the phrase "social change". 

Choice of form on presentation is up to the individual groups. It can be a play, statue, movement routine, chorus.
Clarity and commitment are the criteria and they are to show it through skills, such as movement, expression and voice. It is great to see students being enthusiastic about their ideas and we will work on making these ideas grow into a performance. 
28th of January

Here are some Pictures from todays lesson-
students acting out each others stories.

 Key Words are: listening,
reacting, expressing, imagination and Cooperation

26th of January 2015

Students preparing for their showing of improvised dream story

We will keep working on improvisation. Using situations and characters to guide us. We will bring our learning of expression, movement and voice into the exercises. We are looking for listening and reaction-practising our communication skills and our ability to be present in the moment. Many things to focus on simultaneously, at the same time as we are trying to be in the moment truthfully. This is multi tasking at a high level, very challenging and fun. We see how important it is to be clear about who we are and what we want and to keep it simple. The performative stuff comes when we are being in the moment and stop trying to `perform`.

Wednesday 14th of January 2015

WHO am I?
What do I want?

We are working on IMAGINATION and IMPROVISATION this term. We see that we need to be risk takers, dare to be in the moment with our characters and given circumstances.
 We are using our movement, expressions and voice.

It is important that we don`t try to "perform" but commit to the moment. 

We have started by creating simple characters, letting them meet. We have also done an improvisation where characters come from the given situation.

HOMEWORK: Write/Draw/Illustrate 2 minutes of a dream, capturing actions, characters and emotions. Bring it in for next wednesday.

1st of December 2014PLEASE remind the students to practise their lines for Wednesday. 
It is really important that they know it by heart for us to work towards our performance. 
I have taught them a repetition way of rehearsing, and it will be great with a bit of help at home. 
If the line is: I have many things to do. THEY say the line. YOU ask: I have many things to do. THEY confirm, using the line.
 Do this a couple of times, before they carry on to next line.

Wednesday 12th of November 2014

The shoe game-concentration-reaction

 Students carried out their reflections on their choreograph work this unit and they got to show their end result as well. 
On monday they were up on stage in front of the whole school and demonstrated their work. We found that it could be quite stressful to stand in front of many people, so we did some concentration exercises, to train our stress management, in situations where we must rely on our ability to focus on the task at hand.

Wednesday 5th of November 2014

Today we tried some new warming up exercises, all training focus, reaction and various other skills. A lot of laughs come from this work. 
Groups were instructing each others choreographies, giving feed back on tempo, levels and execution of movements.

All students showed their work at the end of the lesson and on
monday morning, they get to show it in assembly :-)

Wednesday 29th of October 2014

Today the students continued working on their choreography, 
in their groups. They are working on telling a story with their actions and using speed, tempo and levels. They are starting to add text and situation linked up to their unit inquiry.

Wednesday 22nd of October 2014

work in progress

Students were shown a video of a build up of a movement choreography-towards a performance, using tempo, size, levels and the space.

They carried on with their group choreography and they were asked to focus on tempo. Students showed their work to each other and we gave feedback. Next lesson the students are asked to bring in thoughts and ideas that are unit related, and we will try to work it into our physical routines.

Wednesday 15th of October 2014
Focus, cooperation, actions, clearity

Students are starting to create a choreography, based on clear every-day actions. They each choose 3 actions and train it to be clear and precise and then they teach it to the others in their group. Eventually all the actions have been put into one sequence and they have to syncronize their movements. Next week they will be challanged to work on and set tempo, levels, qualities and using the space. Then give a performance. We will use this work to build on for our end project. :-)

Work in progress

Wednesday 8th of October 2014

Today students chose an exercise that they would like to show and explain. They had to answer what they think that they train when doing it, which skills we are training, and why. 
We talked about how we will focus on using the tools that we have learned when working with an artistic project this term. We will devise a performance with the topic of technological development. It will be a physical expression where we will be needing our movement skills, but we will also train imagination and some voice and text.
Concentration pattern

Focus, rythhm, concentration, stress management

Statues, cooperation, clarity, expression, movement, imagination

Wednesday 24th of September 2014

Here is the choreograph taught to three different groups. One group received written instruction, 2nd verbal and 3rd written. 
Most students answered visual as their preferred way of learning but interestingly enough, the group who received the verbal instruction remebered the most of the choreography.

Here is the group who received verbal instruction:

PLEASE make sure that your child comes prepered to class. I will give homework from time to time and it IS important that they do them. It usually affects the whole class.

God høstferie! :-)

Wednesday 17th of September 2014


Students are exploring the infinite possibilities of movement within the focus frames that they have been given. They finsihed the choreography that they are going to teach to a different group by
SPOKEN, SHOWN or WRITTEN instruction.
ALL students are to come prepared to show/tell/with written instructions READY next wednesday.

We will film this session :-)

Wednesday 10th of September 2014
Group work-Choreography-Impro

Students have been put in groups who are going to make three different movement choreographys and teach it to the rest of the group in three different ways.
The work is based on the work that we have been doing on movement improvisation, implementing qualities, actions, levels and tempo. They have the tools, the challenge is working in the group and getting it all together.
We will work towards a video presentation.
This work is closely connected to the preferred learning profiles, MI in their unit.

Wednesday 3rd of September 2014
Movement improvisation

What a great class today! The students are really getting into the magic of simply using elements such as movement, quality of movement, actions, levels and tempo. By playing with these elements, we could see many exciting things happening in the room. One group looked like they were performing a choreographed piece to music. We will keep working on this and eventually see how we can start by working this way, and develop it further into a set piece, also called devising.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Devised theatre (also called collaborative creation, particularly in the United States [1]) is a form of theatre where the script originates not from a writer or writers, but from collaborative, usually improvisatory, work by a group of people (usually, but not necessarily, the performers). This is similar to commedia dell'arte and street theatre such asbusking.
It is never distinguishable from improvisational theatre but by the time a devised piece presents itself to the public, it usually has a fixed form: the improvisation is confined to the creation process, and either a writer, a director, or the performers themselves, will have decided exactly what is to be included and the running sequence.

Wednesday 27th of August 2014

This week in PA we did some exercises to really trigger our focus and concentration. As well as doing some artistic work requiring imagination and improvisation, we did a lot of physical movement work. Increasing body and spacial awareness.  We talked about and worked on tempo, qualities and levels.

Stress management (focus)
Thursday 21st of August 2014

6th grade was open minded and enthusiastic and had a flying start to their PA lessons-I can`t wait to see where we can take this :-) We managed to get a lot done and we had a long discussion on how we wish to treat each other as well as these lessons. Students did a lot of work on imagination, team work and some improvisation and they also had some great reflections on how different exercises trigger and train different qualities and skills.  

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