Grade 1 PA

Wednesday 11th of November 2015
Production unit
Grade 1 has come a long way in these few months and because they are showing me that they have learned to focus, handle their body in the space and improving their body control, 
grade 1 will all be part of the big production this year. 

They will play a special part in the grade 6+7`s production of "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory". 
We will continue to work on clarity and quality of movement...and we will have fun :-)

Wednesday 18th of November 2015
Please make sure that your child comes in all dressed in one colour for the December concert. Longsleeve and long legs in one of the following colours:
 black, grey, brown, blue or white.
Students are training their ability to focus and spatial awareness. We are preparing for the December concert and getting inspired by the Tim Burton version of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".

Monday 5th of October
Students will continue to build on their creative skills in the PA room. 

We will focus on character, qualities of movement and improvisations. Each student will create their own alien and find the voice of their character as an end task. 
Please make sure that you scroll down for weekly updates as this introduction to the unit will always display on the top of the blog.

Friday 30th of October 2015
Students continue to develop their movement and spatial skills. We also work hard on cooperation skills and improvisations, creating character. We are acting out the moon-landing and some students will show this work in assembly next monday.

Monday 19th of October 2015

Students are challenging their imagination through improvisation work (based on a story) and through creating on paper as well as through body and movement.

Wednesday 14th of October

Students are exploring qualities of movement through their creativity. We are creating characters by changing how we move and our voice. When we create aliens we think about qualities, such as: Heavy-light, big-small, soft-sharp. Students are also being risk takers, presenting their work.

Wednesday 26th of August 2015
Students are getting to know each other in a creative and playful setting.
Creativity is a key Learner attitude and Form is a Key concept

 We are learning to explore movement, expression and voice in a playful way and making sure that we learn within frames. We are working on the balance between playing while working and following rules. We have already touched on many important areas for development, such as imagination, levels and tempo. We train these skills through exercises such as Busy Bees, The Robots and for the next lessons we will be working on improvisation and collaboration through our jungle exploration.

Thursday 17th of September 2015
The students are starting to grasp the concept of the playful approach to learning in the PA room. They are finding more focus and concentration when working. We are learning basic elements of movement and spatial awareness and training our imagination and cooperation skills. Students are creating improvised (guided) plays on family and friends.

Thursday 16th of April 2015
We have started working on our characters for our script "Nøtteliten og Helene Harefrøken på skolevei". 
After improvising in full group by using the "Woosh", all students know all the characters and situations and even some lines. 
All students have now received a part that they will develop, working with movement, expression and voice. 
We will focus on character and voice but elements of reaction and action is also in focus.

Let the learning through organized playing commence! :-)

Thursday 9th of April 2015

Our new unit will be based on the play that we wrote last unit. 
We will work on our characters and situations based on the script. At first we will improvise and then the students will receive their parts for individual characters to work on and with. This links up nicely with our Norwegian unit about animals in the Norwegian forests.

Tuesday 23rd of March 2015

We are working on our "Vivaldi trees", the children can differentiate between the music piece "The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi and they change their physicality through the expression of a tree, depending on the season.
 We are also working on improvising our script of the play we have written. After Easter, the children will get parts and we will work on characters and situations from the script.

Monday 2nd of March 2015
Our new unit is about working from a set script. We will create it and work on the set characters and plot. We will focus on voice and reacting skills. We will link our work in the PA room up towards our unit on the seasons in Norwegian. So our play 
and script will be based on nature and its cycle.

Magical nature gives great material to work with!

Wednesday 28th of January 2015

Making Viking statues, working in Groups, cooperating to make an artistic expression on a given Word or topic. Under is a Viking Langhus With a fire in the middle. Can you guess which verb connected to Viking activities is in the top Picture? :-)

Monday 26th of January 2015

IMPROVISATION and IMAGINATION are our main skills in focus this term. Making sure that we take what we have learned when it comes to movement and expression with us, when we start using it to improvise. 
We will keep it on a very physical level this term.

Friday 28th of November 2014

  We keep working towards our December performance. We are working hard on concentration and remembering our physicality in the space. All children are given parts in our play and it is great if you encourage them at home to share their thoughts, lines and experiences. It would also be great if you could look through your cupboards and drawers, searching for some "costumes". I would like all trees to have dark bottoms and green t-shirts or sweaters/shirts. All troll to be all black with a tail and  Askeladden, brothers and father to have a "lumberjack shirt". There is no need to buy anything, but I will appreciate you having a look and see what you can make from what you have :-)

Friday 7th of November 2014

We have kept working on our play of "Askeladden som Kappåt med Trollet". The children have tried different parts and acted out the actions simultaneously. Implementing actions, character and voice. Students have also prepared for their showing in assembly on monday, where they will do their movement improvisation "Day and Night forrest".

Friday 14th of November 2014

This week the grade 1 students have worked hard on characters, finding movement and voice of the troll, tree and rabbit.
 We have also tried out an exercise called a "woosh", which is a performance improvisation of a text or play where every student is involved.
We will keep working with a "woosh", preparing for our performance.

Thursday 30th of October 2014

Thursday 9th of October 2014
Day and night forrest

Physical improvisation
 We will be working towards a performace on the Norwegian folk tale "Askeladden som kappåt med trollet". We will be taking with us our skills on movement and spacial awareness into this work. We have already started to carry out physical improvisations related to the play that we will make.
Physical team work, non-verbal

sleeping animals in the forrest
Statues-Askeladden cutting down trees

Tuesday 7th of October 2014
We are starting to prepare for using the skills that we have learned to create a performance of a Norwegian fairytale. We will concentrate on movement, qualities and spacial awareness in our production.

Our play will be based on Askeladden som kappåt med trollet, relating to our unit on Norwegian trolls.

Quality cross over


Thursday 25th of September 2014

Code word statues

This week the students have chosen an exercise that they wished to use as an end reflection. They chose various exercises and carried them out in class. We talked about the skills that we use when we do them. 
Quality, levels

Copy names
Codeword statues
We talked about levels, movement, voice, expressions and HOW we move (qualities).  

Well done 
1st grade :-)


Tuesday 16th of September 2014
Building skills-tools

We are working on building our specific skills, such as quality of movement and self-as well as- spacial awareness.
There is a clear improvement in sharpness, timing and quality of movement, which is great to see :-)

Tuesday 9th of September 2014
Busy Bees-Levels-Tempo-Imagination

Students continue to build on their new-found knowledge of movement and awareness of body and space.
We are still working on clarity, qualities and tempo.
Their expression of creativity is also improving :-)

Tuesday 2nd of September 2014

Qualities of movement

We keep working on clarity and focus and we have introduced words : qualities and levels.
The students get to practise these terms through the buzy bee and robot exercise, among other things.
We also talked about the IB attitudes and our action board, to enforce them in the PA room. Words such as creativity, respect and tolerance are among them.

Tuesday 26th of August 2014

This week we keep focusing on clarity, focus and body control. We use our imagination and train our voices by doing "Busy Bees" and we practis spacial awareness, rythm and body control through various exercises. You can ask your child to tell you in their own words what these words mean in the PA room:

Busy Bees
Domino names

If it is hard to put words on it, they might show you?

Thursday 21st of August 2014

The grade 1 students have had a great start in the PA room. 
We have a bunch of curious students with an eager will to be risk takers in a positive sense. We have agreed upon our rules and expectations and we have become familiar with exercises such as "Busy Bees" "domino names" "statues" and "robots". 
These names won`t mean anything to you but the students might tell you? ;) These exercises develop areas such as cooperation, voice and movement, imagination and awareness, amongst others. 

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